Forest Management

What is forest management and why do I need it?

We provide custom management assistance with single services such as:

  • one-time reforestation projects
  • timber sales
  • timber inventory
We also offer a broader spectrum of annual or ongoing projects, and our trained forestry experts can help determine the approach that best serves the needs of each client. Learn more.

Valuation Services

How can I find out how much my land is worth?

Accurate, realistic forestland appraisals are the result of a combined knowledge of real estate markets, appraisal techniques, the economics of timber production, and the economic impact of various silvicultural techniques. FRC provides expert assessments for optimal value. Learn more.

About FRC Services

What types of forestry services does a consulting forester provide?

Our comprehensive forest management, appraisal, technical, and real estate services assist private landowners, institutions, and industry. Learn more.

Why do I need a consulting forester?

Making forest management decisions is a highly involved process with multiple variables, and today’s choices can impact your land for decades. We have over 40 highly trained, goal-oriented asset managers and forestry experts working directly with clients every day to provide our innovative, research-based approach to forest management. Learn more.

Do I need a management plan?

A healthy forest is one that is well cared for and managed. Our forestry experts focus on helping you prepare your "road map" for forest management, designing a plan that will serve to maximize and balance objectives for the land. Families often pass down land, and with each generation, the objectives for that land may change. However, it is critically important that the family’s values, heritage, wealth, and inter-generational relationships are perpetuated. This requires thoughtful and proactive planning. Learn more.

Real Estate

I am interested in purchasing timber land; how can I get started?

Timberland acquisitions can range greatly in complexity and scale. Our expert team provides specialized services to meet the needs of every clients. Learn more.